Announcing Sprinter: Chain abstraction in the fast lane

Announcing Sprinter: Chain abstraction in the fast lane
Photo by Chau Cédric / Unsplash

If users have to think about how to do something, we’ve failed them.

Today, we announce Sprinter: a chain abstraction solution that makes web3 applications swift, simple and seamless. Sprinter unifies your user’s assets across any chain by selecting the most efficient and cost-effective swap possible. 

Sprinter is already gaining traction. We are proud to be core contributors and chain abstraction infrastructure providers to both B3 from Base and DELV Hyperdrive

Chain Abstraction, at its core, is trying to prevent users from making decisions about what to use. We’re taking the “don’t make me think” UX principle seriously and sending Sprinter to deliver.

Our users might have their assets on multiple chains–in DeFi, it's common to have assets on mainnet, OP, ARB, BASE, etc. So we needed a way for users to easily and efficiently bring the assets they need to one chain in the most efficient way possible

How many things can go wrong in the process of a user’s original intent? Drop-offs, stalled transactions, needing sufficient gas fees—all of these devalue web3 applications. We want users to approach every application built on blockchains with confidence.

As solvers themselves get more complex in what they can do and their intentions become more reliable, there is hope. But where we see the magic is the application layer.

Chain abstraction is infrastructure-heavy. Our industry, for the most part, ignores the application layer's needs. We’re committing to improving the application layer's UX, the last mile in the race towards multichain.

We need to build applications that use blockchains, not blockchain applications. 

The chain abstraction movement is embracing fragmentation by allowing applications to be deployed across multiple blockchains, leveraging their strengths to form a robust, complex, and significantly more interconnected web.